
How Much Emergency Savings Should I Have?

If you’ve ever wondered how much money you should keep stashed away for a rainy day, then keep reading. I’m about to teach you how much you need to have in your emergency fund. Prefer to watch rather than read? This entire article is available in video format! We all know Murphy’s Law: anything that…


Cash Envelope System for Beginners

Have you ever spent more in a month than you planned on things like on groceries and entertainment? Imagine if you never had to worry about overspending in either of those categories again! Keep reading – I’m about to tell you how it’s possible. Prefer to watch? I created a video containing the same content…

Banking Budgeting Relationships

Combining Finances After Marriage

Combining finances with your spouse might be scary, but it’s not as scary as trying to pursue your goals alone. Today I’m going to share with you my experience combining finances with my wife, and why I would recommend it for all married couples.  Would you prefer to watch instead of read? You’re in luck!…


Gift Giving

Finding the perfect gift can be tough.  Today I’m going to share three tips that will help you stress less and give better gifts without busting the budget. Would you prefer to watch instead of read? You’re in luck! This video contains all of the information in this article. I absolutely love giving gifts to…

Budgeting Food

How to Save Money on Food

How much could you save every month by dining in more often? Let me be straight with you. I love to eat at restaurants. For a lot of people with demanding jobs and tight schedules, going out to eat at restaurants can practically be a way of life.  Would you prefer to watch instead of…


How to Make a Budget in Excel

Warning: This could change the course of your life forever. It sounds cliche, but learning how to create a budget in Excel or in Google Sheets and actually taking the time to do so on a monthly basis has quite possibly been the biggest key to success in my journey to become debt free. In…