
How Much Emergency Savings Should I Have?

If you’ve ever wondered how much money you should keep stashed away for a rainy day, then keep reading. I’m about to teach you how much you need to have in your emergency fund. Prefer to watch rather than read? This entire article is available in video format! We all know Murphy’s Law: anything that…

Debt Loans

What is the debt snowball?

Hello and welcome to another Personal Finance Minute, where I answer your questions about personal finance in 60-seconds or less. Today’s question is… What is the debt snowball method? Prefer to watch? This article is available in video form as well! The debt snowball method is a strategy for reducing debt that puts psychology before…


Cash Envelope System for Beginners

Have you ever spent more in a month than you planned on things like on groceries and entertainment? Imagine if you never had to worry about overspending in either of those categories again! Keep reading – I’m about to tell you how it’s possible. Prefer to watch? I created a video containing the same content…

Debt Loans

How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Fast

If you’re wondering how to pay off credit card debt fast, then consider the debt avalanche method. The debt avalanche method is a strategy for reducing debt that puts math first. If you’ve got multiple debts and are current on all of your payments, it can be a great way to become debt free. To…

Banking Budgeting Relationships

Combining Finances After Marriage

Combining finances with your spouse might be scary, but it’s not as scary as trying to pursue your goals alone. Today I’m going to share with you my experience combining finances with my wife, and why I would recommend it for all married couples.  Would you prefer to watch instead of read? You’re in luck!…


What is a Debit Card

A debit card has the appearance of a credit card with the functionality of a check. When you’re buying something online, you grab your debit card and type in the sixteen digit number. When you’re at the grocery store, you insert it into the chip reader, and your groceries are paid for. Whenever you make…


Gift Giving

Finding the perfect gift can be tough.  Today I’m going to share three tips that will help you stress less and give better gifts without busting the budget. Would you prefer to watch instead of read? You’re in luck! This video contains all of the information in this article. I absolutely love giving gifts to…


What is FAFSA

If you’re a college student in the United States, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is a way for you to apply for financial assistance with your college tuition. This is an application you should be completing and submitting to the federal government every single year while you’re enrolled in college. Completing…

Interest Loans

How to Calculate Interest on a Loan

Being in debt sucks. There’s nothing worse than paying all those interest charges each month when you could be spending your money on something else! Today I’m going to show you how interest is calculated to help you understand how much your debt is costing you each month. Would you prefer to watch instead of…


What is a Payday Loan

Payday loans are short term loans that you pay back in full on your next pay day. To get one, you go into a payday loan store, provide proof of employment, and write a check to the payday loan store for the amount you wish to borrow plus fees. On your next pay day, the…

Insurance Real Estate

What is PMI Mortgage Insurance

Private mortgage insurance, or PMI, is insurance that most mortgage lenders will require you to purchase if your down payment on a home is less than twenty percent of the home’s purchase price. This insurance covers the lender’s expenses if your home goes into foreclosure. The cost for PMI will vary based on your credit…

Real Estate

Renting a Home for the First Time

If you’re a renter, your rent is going to be one of, if not the biggest expense in your monthly budget. And when you’re trying to get out of debt, every dollar counts. Today I’m going to share with you three tips for renting a home. Would you prefer to watch instead of read? You’re…